About Us

Welcome to RaRE Findings!

Step into the enchanting realm of Debra’s artistic journey, where the alchemy of metal smithing becomes a mesmerizing dance with fire. Each piece of jewelry is a testament to her love for crafting, a meticulous process where raw materials transform into wearable art. Fueled by a deep appreciation for ancient found objects, Debra infuses history into her creations, creating a bridge between the past and the present.

Nature, with its untamed beauty, serves as a wellspring of inspiration for Debra. The contours of leaves, the rugged elegance of fossils, and the allure of gemstones are seamlessly integrated into her designs. Every piece tells a story of the organic shapes found in the natural world, capturing the essence of earth’s wonders in wearable form. This connection to nature adds a timeless quality to her jewelry, inviting wearers to carry a piece of the environment’s beauty with them.

Debra’s creative spirit is not confined to the studio; it is a wanderlust-infused journey. Her love for travel and adventure breathes life into each creation. Every texture, color, and detail reflects the diverse landscapes and cultures she encounters. Whether it’s the vibrant hues of a bustling market or the serenity of a secluded beach, these experiences become the pigments on her artistic palette, resulting in jewelry that transcends geographical boundaries.

Beyond the allure of aesthetics, Debra sees jewelry as a profound form of expression. It goes beyond being a mere accessory; it becomes a statement of culture, tradition, and personal style. Each piece is a canvas where wearers can paint their narratives, intertwining with the rich tapestry of Debra’s craftsmanship. As you explore her collection, you embark on a visual and emotional journey, discovering not just jewelry but a reflection of the artist’s soul.

RaRE Findings is inspired by the love of handmade, world travel, archeology, fine art, and storied histories.

Curated ancient, tribal, and artisan goods from around the world each express their own story. Just imagine the men & women who created each of these pieces and the lives touched throughout their journey.

Continue the journey & start your own adventure with RaRE Findings.

Debra’s work has been exhibited at Interform’s Fashion and Art exhibition June 2023.

Debra’s artistic creations are presently available at the Art Collective Gallery located in Rogers, AR, and can also be found at Artemisia in Geneva, IL.

RaRE Findings is now located in in the bustling college-town of Fayetteville, AR.

Photography and Website Design by epigram studio.